
Great social deals

A social membership at the club is just $35 and valid until August 31. A half-year $17.50 social membership is available from March 1 and valid until August 31. Social members get the opportunity to enjoy the facilities of the club, attend social functions and learn to play bowls. A social bowling membership costs $100 until August 31 and allows members to enjoy all of the above, plus take part in social and winter bowling competitions.

Membership Categories

Full Member: At least eighteen years old and entitled to exercise the full privileges of the Club. Fee: $320 p/a.

First Year Bowler Member: At least eighteen years old and entitled to exercise the full privileges of the Club. This class of membership is limited to twelve months from the date the person is elected to membership. After that the member must join another class of membership for which they are eligible and pay the remaining balance of membership on a pro rata basis for that year only. Fee: $160 p/a.

Social Bowler Member – A person of or above the age of eighteen (18) years who shall be eligible to play in any social competition, including winter bowls, shall have access to the greens and shall have use of the clubhouse facilities. Excludes the right to play pennants and in championships and excludes voting rights. Fee: $100 p/a.

Veteran Member: A Veteran Member must have been a Full Member of Mt Pleasant Bowling Club for a minimum of ten consecutive years and reached the age of eighty years. They enjoy all the privileges of Full Members. Veteran Membership is granted on written application to the Committee four weeks prior to annual subscriptions being due. Fee: $200 p/a.

Life Member: A Life Member shall enjoy all privileges of a Full Member, and will be exempt from subscriptions but shall pay any levies and RWABA fee. The Executive shall from time to time consider members for Life Membership of the Club and will seek and consider views from the membership before voting on the matter at an Executive Meeting. Life Membership requires continuous long and outstanding service to the Club, and approval by at least 80% of the Committee. There shall not be more than twelve Life Members at one time and not more than two shall be elected in any one year. Fee: nil.

Social Member: A person of or above the age of eighteen years may enjoy the privileges of the Club, including playing in Scroungers competitions, but will not have voting rights or use the greens except at the specific invitation from a member of the Club Committee for a period not exceeding six months at which time a 1st Year Bowler membership must be applied for.  Fee: $35 p/a.

Junior Member: A person under eighteen  years who may enjoy the privileges of the Club but shall not be eligible to stand for any office in the Club or vote or propose or second an application for membership of the Club or invite guests into the Club. Fee: $80 p/a.

Restricted Member: A person who is currently a Full Member of another Bowling Club affiliated with the RWABA, or with a similar Association in another Australian State or Territory, shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Club but shall not have voting rights, play in any pennant matches for the Club, represent the Club, or play in Club Championships. They will not be entitled to attend any meeting of the members of the Club except by invitation of the Committee, nor have any right, title, or interest in or to any of the property of the Club.  Fee: $72 p/a.

Honorary Member: Honorary membership may be granted without fees to the Club Patrons, such dignitaries and sponsors of the Club as the Management Committee shall determine from time to time. Membership will be restricted at any one time to a level deemed appropriate by the Committee or as may be suggested by the Liquor Licensing Authority. They will not be entitled to attend any meeting of the members of the Club except by invitation of the Committee, nor have any right, title, or interest in or to any of the property of the Club. Fee: nil.

Temporary Member: A person who is on any day visiting the Club as a member or an official of another club or team to  engage in a pre-arranged event with the Club or to hold a pre-arranged function at the Club involving the use of the Club’s sporting facilities. A Temporary Member is not entitled to be present at any meeting of the members of the Club except by invitation of the Committee, nor have any voting rights, title or interest in or to any of the property of the Club. Fee: nil.

Applications for Membership

Those applying for membership should read the Code of Conduct (see below) before completing the form.

Please download the Application Form

Code of Conduct

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to create and maintain a respectful environment for everyone to enjoy the benefits and fellowship within the Club. Each member of the Mt. Pleasant Bowling Club  is entitled to certain rights and privileges, but is also subject to certain obligations and responsibilities. Members, guests and visitors are also required to conduct themselves at all times in a manner which upholds the values and excellent reputation of the Club.